If you’re looking for a houseplant that will add dimension and texture to your décor, look no further than the Calathea plant. This neotropical perennial is grown for its stunning patterned foliage. These mesmerizing leaves come in a wide array of bold colors. Like other tropical houseplants, however, it can be a bit tricky growing them indoors. Thankfully, with the Calathea plant care guide, you will quickly learn how to make these plants happy.

Because the plant is considered high maintenance, having a Calathea plant care guide can help ensure you are giving the plant the growing conditions it needs to thrive. Warm temperatures, bright yet indirect sun, and plenty of water are what the Calathea plant needs.
Even though Calathea plants aren’t the easiest to grow, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give this tropical plant a go. Trying to grow a new plant can give you a challenge and open up a whole new world to plants you may have never tried before.
Other Names Of Calathea Plant
Just about all plants are known by more than one name. So, if the name Calathea doesn’t ring any bells, it could just be because you know the plant by a different name.
The calathea plant has a few different names that it goes by, including zebra plants, prayer plants, peacock plants, cathedral plants, and rattlesnake plants. The scientific name for the Calathea plant is actually Calathea spp.
Frost Tolerance And USDA Hardiness Zones Of Calathea Plant
The frost tolerance and hardiness zone that the plant can grow in will help you decide whether you will have to keep the plant indoors or you can take it outside and plant it in the ground.
Calathea plants are tropical evergreens that aren’t cold hardy and cannot tolerate frost. They do grow outdoors in USDA plant hardiness zones 11 and 12. This plant needs an average temperature of between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
How Many Hours Of Sunlight Does Calathea Plant Need?

Sunlight is vital to the life of most plants. And Calathea plants are no exception. But that doesn’t mean they can handle an abundance of light. Let’s look at the amount of sunlight that this plant needs.
The Calathea plant needs, at a minimum, 8 to 10 hours of light every day. During the winter months when the days are shorter, you may have to use artificial lighting to help supplement the sun’s natural rays.
This plant also needs 8 hours of darkness to help encourage healthy growth. If you don’t allow the plant to rest without light, then it cannot continue to grow strong.
Calathea Plant Needs Direct Or Indirect Sunlight?
Calatheas are tropical plants that thrive in humid climates and are protected by the tropical canopy above. This means that the plant is typically shielded from the extremely hot rays of the sun.
Calathea plants indirect sunlight that is bright, but can also tolerate low-light. Direct sunlight will cause the plant to burn and even limit growth. Look for an area in your home where the plant won’t be in direct sunlight.
If you must have the plant near a window, use something like a sheer curtain to diffuse the sun’s rays. Another option is to simply move the plant further away from the window so that it doesn’t experience that harsh and direct sunlight.
Is Calathea Plant An Indoor Plant, Outdoor Plant Or Both?

Whether a plant can be grown indoors or outdoors is vital info that all gardeners need to know. And you can find this information out by learning what the USDA Plant Hardiness Zones are for whatever plant you are growing.
Unless you live in USDA hardiness zones 11 and 12, the Calathea plant won’t be able to grow outdoors. Calatheas are tropical plants native to Africa, the West Indies, and Central and South America. It cannot tolerate the cold or frost, and it can even experience cold damage if temps drop below 60.
What Are The Indoor Lighting Requirements For A Calathea Plant?
As with most other houseplants, the Calathea plant has specific lighting requirements that you must follow. If you try to grow the plant in light that it cannot tolerate, you will quickly have an unhealthy Calathea on your hands.
Calathea plants do the best when they are given medium to bright indirect light. While this plant can tolerate low light, giving the plant the ideal light levels helps to encourage growth and keep its colors and patterns vibrant.
It’s important not to leave this plant in direct sun as it can cause the patterns and colors on the leaves to fade, while also damaging the foliage.
What Are The Outdoor Lighting Requirements For A Calathea Plant?

If you can grow the Calathea plant outdoors, you will need to take the necessary steps to protect it from the sun. Just because it is growing outside doesn’t mean it can magically handle light that would be too much for it if grown inside.
If grown outdoors in USDA hardiness zones 11 and 12, the Calathea plant will need bright but indirect sunlight. The best option is to mimic their native tropical habitat for optimal growth.
What Soil Requirements Does Calathea Plant Need?
The soil you grow your Calathea plant in is vital to the overall health and wellness of the plant. Choosing the wrong soil can lead to future problems with the plant. That is why you shouldn’t just plant the Calathea in any old soil.
Calathea plants need well-draining potting soil that is rich in organic matter and nutrients. A peat or coco coir-based potting soil will work, but you should mix in a soil additive, such as water-retentive beads, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.
How Much Water Does Calathea Plant Need?

Calatheas love water and may even require more water than your other houseplants need. That doesn’t mean you should constantly drench them. Instead, you will need to find the optimal watering amount for this plant.
Calatheas are thirsty plants that need regular watering. On average, you will probably need to water this plant once a week, though this can increase or decrease depending on several factors. With that said, however, Calatheas also like their soil to dry out a little between waterings.
You should only water your Calathea plant when the first 2 inches of soil start to dry out a little. Additionally, the amount of watering needed for this plant usually decreases during the winter months.
Is My Calathea Plant Overwatered, What Are The Symptoms?
Overwatering is a serious yet common problem that many indoor gardeners face. Even plants that do like an abundance of water, such as the Calathea plant, can be easily overwatered if you’re not careful.
An overwatered Calathea plant will start to droop and the leaves may fall off the plant. Blisters that look water-soaked can also appear on the leaves and stems. If the overwatering continues, the plant will develop root rot.
Root rot is no joke and can quickly kill the plant. If the Calathea plant has only been overwatered once or twice, it can usually recover by simply allowing the plant to dry out a bit before watering again.
For Calatheas that have been severely overwatered, you may not be able to save the plant. If you want to try, the entire plant will need to be removed from its pot, all of the soil discarded, and then replanted in a new pot with fresh soil.
Is My Calathea Plant Underwatered, What Are The Symptoms?
Calatheas are not drought tolerant and underwatering the plant can cause severe leaf damage. That is just one of the reasons why you should refrain from not watering this plant enough.
A Calathea plant that is underwatered will have dry, crispy leaves. The plant will also start to wilt and soil will start to pull away from the pot. As the underwatering continues, the plant will start to become stressed and experience loss of vigor. You may also notice its growth has slowed or stopped.
To treat a severely underwatered Calathea plant, you will need to soak the plant in water. Make sure to only soak the pot portion of the plant and not the leaves. Let the plant soak for 30 minutes.
How Much Fertilizer Does Calathea Plant Need? What Kind?

While most houseplants can do just well without regularly feeding, some plants need a little boost every now and again. But what about the Calathea plant? Does this plant actually need feeding?
Calathea plants don’t require much feeding, but they can benefit from a nitrogen-rich fertilizer every once in a while. A fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 3-1-2 works well for this plant. Apply the fertilizer no more than 3 times a year.
Before applying the fertilizer, make sure to read the directions and warnings printed on the label. This will help ensure you don’t accidentally overfeed your plant, which can cause problems for your Calathea.
Calathea Plant Diseases To Be Aware Of?
One of the good things about growing the Calathea plant is that it doesn’t have too many problems with disease. That’s not to say there are no diseases you should be aware of when growing this plant.
Bacterial leaf spot and root rot are the two most common diseases of the Calathea plant. Thankfully, both of these diseases are preventable, but can quickly take their toll on your plant.
As its name suggests, bacterial leaf spot is caused by bacteria and is generally spread when water splashes onto the leaves. Dark leaf spots surrounded by a yellow halo are the most common symptom. The good news is that you can prevent this disease by making sure you don’t splash water onto the leaves when watering the plant.
Root rot is one of the more serious diseases that can take hold of the Calathea plant. It occurs when the plant is watered too much or the soil doesn’t drain properly. Root rot will cause the entire plant to decline and rot. This disease is difficult to get rid of once it forms. That is why it is important to prevent root rot from forming in the first place.
Are There Different Types Of Calathea Plant?

Like other houseplants, the Calathea plant has various cultivars available. These different types of Calathea plants are extremely similar while also being different in their own right.
There are about 60 different Calathea plant varieties currently available. Like the original plant, the Calathea cultivars need the same care, but they come in various colors, sizes, and variegations.
We at Plants To Trees first published this article on November 2, 2022. Copyright protected.
How To Propagate Calathea Plant?
Propagating gives you the ability to increase the amount of plants you currently have without going out and buying them. It also lets you get the exact type of plant that you are currently growing and love.
Calathea is propagated via the dividing method. This requires removing the parent plant from its pot, untangling the roots, and separating a small portion of the plant. This new plant is then grown in the same manner as the parent plant.
Because Calathea is a clumping plant, trying to propagate it via stem or leaf cutting isn’t as effective as the division methods. The reason being is because each leaf cluster of the Calathea plant already has its own root system.
Is Calathea Plant Toxic To Humans?

For the most part, adults don’t typically concern themselves about the toxicity level of houseplants since they usually don’t get the urge to feast on the plants. If, however, you have little ones in your home, you may want to know how dangerous the houseplant is.
Calathea plants are not toxic to humans, and are safe to have growing in your home. Even if you have children, you can rest assured that this plant won’t harm them. With that said, however, you should still aim to keep your children from bothering the plant as they could accidently damage its leaves.
The article owner is Plants To Trees dot Com and this article was first published on November 2, 2022.
Is Calathea Plant Toxic To Dogs?
Dogs and plants don’t always go hand and hand. Not only can a dog quickly destroy a plant, but the plant itself may even pose a risk to their health. Let’s look at whether or not Calathea plants are one you should be concerned with.
According to the ASPCA, Calathea plants are not toxic to dogs. This means you can safely grow this plant indoors and not worry about it causing harm to your pooch.
That doesn’t mean, however, that you should allow your dogs to chew on the plant. While it may not harm your dog, it can damage the Calathea plant and make it look unsightly.
Is Calathea Plant Toxic To Cats?
Most people are not aware of the dangers that some houseplants can pose to their feline friends. But are Calathea plants one of these dangerous plants?
Calathea plants are not toxic to cats, which means even if your furry friends nibble on the plant it won’t harm them. Keep in mind, however, that allowing your cat to chew on the plant will damage the Calathea.
If you have a cat that likes to chew on plants, consider growing a plant or two just for them. Cat grass and catnip are two examples that you can grow indoors and allow your cat to nibble on.
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PlantsToTrees.com is the owner of this article and we first published this on November 2, 2022.