Hoyas have long been a staple for indoor gardeners due to their long lifespan, deep green foliage, and fragrant blooms. They are also fairly easy to care for, which makes them a great choice for those who are just starting their journey into growing houseplants. That doesn’t mean, however, that they never experience any problems. Leaf discoloration, for example, is a common issue that can occur in houseplants such as Hoyas. Let’s take a look at why your Hoya plant leaves are turning yellow and brown.

When a Hoya plant’s leaves are turning yellow and brown, it is typically the result of the plant not getting the right care. Without the right amount of water, lighting, temperature, and humidity, the hoya’s leaves will start to discolor.
Hoyas need warm temperatures throughout the entire year, bright light that is indirect, watering when the soil starts to dry out, and humidity levels of at least 50-percent. You can provide the plant with these needs, problems will typically be few and far between.
Why Do Hoya Plant Leaves Turn Yellow And Brown?

In most cases, when the Hoya leaves are turning yellow and brown, it is the plant’s way of telling you that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. But you will need to figure out what that problem is before you can properly treat the plant.
The most common reasons as to why your Hoya plant leaves turn yellow and brown usually have to deal with neglect or poor care. This includes overwatering, underwatering, temperature issues, improper sunlight, dry conditions, nutrient deficiency, and pests and diseases.
Overwatering is not only the leading cause of leaves turning yellow and brown, but it is also one of the quickest ways to kill your hoya. When you overwater the plant, you have made an open invitation for diseases, such as root rot, to attack the plant. Root rot is a serious problem that can kill a plant in as little as 10 days.
Thankfully, root rot and overwatering is completely preventable. Just make sure that that Hoya is watered about once every 14 days during its active growing season. Additionally, avoid planting the Hoya in compact soil and instead use a growing medium that is light and airy.
Underwatering can also cause the Hoya plant’s leaves to turn yellow and brown. Underwatering isn’t usually as serious of an issue as overwatering, but it does put the plant under stress and can even have a negative effect on its growth rate.
The best course of action is to water the Hoya whenever the top inch of soil feels dry. When you water the plant, use lukewarm or room temperature water and water deeply.
We at Plants To Trees first published this article on February 28, 2023. Copyright protected.
Temperature Issues
Hoyas like warm temperatures that fall between 60 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperatures are below or above this range, it can cause the leaves to discolor. In fact, subjecting the plant to temperatures below 60 degrees for an extended period of time will lead to shock, which will then threaten the life of the plant.
Improper Sunlight
Hoyas need medium to bright indirect light and should be kept out of direct light. While they can tolerate a couple of hours of direct morning sun, exposing them to a longer amount of direct sun will cause their leaves to turn yellow and brown.
On the other side of the coin, however, you will need to ensure the Hoya is getting enough sun, since too little light can also discolor the leaves. For the best results, Hoyas should have at least 6 hours of sun every day.
East or north-facing windows typically provide the ideal lighting for this plant. If the light coming through the window is too harsh, consider diffusing it with a sheer curtain or blind.
Humidity Levels Too Low
When the humidity is too low, the leaves of the Hoya can start to turn yellow and brown. They may also feel dry and fall off the plant. Thankfully, you can fix this issue by increasing the humidity to at least 50-percent.
The article owner is Plants To Trees dot Com and this article was first published on February 28, 2023.
There are a few ways to increase the humidity level around the plant, including setting the Hoya on a drip tray, using a humidifier in the room where the Hoya is living, or misting the leaves with water.
Nutrient Deficiency
Hoyas don’t require an abundance of feeding, although yellow or brown leaves could be a sign that the plant is lacking in nutrients. Giving the plant a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to ½ strength once every 6 weeks can help correct this problem. Avoid giving the hoya more than this amount as it could lead to over fertilization, and cut back the amount of feeding you do to once every 10 weeks during the fall and winter.
Pests And Diseases
There are several different pests and diseases that can cause the Hoya plant leaves to turn yellow and brown. Spider mites, mealybugs, and other sap-sucking insects are usually to blame if the leaf discoloration is caused by insects, while root rot and leaf spot disease are the two most common diseases that lead to discoloration of Hoya leaves.
To treat the sap-sucking insects, spray the plant liberally with either neem oil or insecticidal soap, making sure to get the top and underside of the leaves, as well as the stems.
Diseases are harder to treat and typically can only be prevented and not cured. The best way to prevent root rot is to avoid overwatering the plant, while leaf spot disease can be kept at bay by watering the plant at its base and not overhead.
When you water the plant from above, the water will splash the soil up onto the Hoya’s leaves. If the soil is infected with the pathogen that causes leaf spot disease, it will infect the leaves of the plant once it comes in contact with the foliage. Watering at the base of the plant prevents this from occurring.
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PlantsToTrees.com is the owner of this article and we first published this on February 28, 2023.