If you’re looking for a relatively easy-going houseplant to grow, why not try the peace lily? Peace lilies are one of the most popular plants to grow indoors. Not only does it produce attractive blooms and foliage, but it also has the ability to purify the air.
Despite its easy-going nature, the peace lily is not immune to problems, and its leaves falling off is one of the most common issues affecting this plant.

A peace lily leaves falling off is typically a sign that the plant isn’t getting the care it needs. This negligence can cause the leaves to fall off. If not corrected, the plant may also experience other potentially harmful symptoms, such as stunted growth.
What Causes Peace Lily Leaves To Fall Off?

Leaves falling off your peace lily is a major sign that something is wrong with the plant. Let’s take a look at what could cause the leaves to fall off the peace lily and what you can do to correct the problem.
The most common reasons why your peace lily leaves are falling off are improper watering, dry environment, direct sunlight, incorrect temperature, and diseases. All of these issues are fairly easy to prevent by simply giving the peace lily its ideal growing conditions.
Improper Watering
Too much or too little watering can both result in the peace lily leaves falling off. But how do you know which one is causing the problem?
The easiest way to figure out which one you are dealing with is to look at the soil. If it is dry and pulling away from the pot, the plant is underwatered. If, however, it is soggy and overly moist, the peace lily is overwatered.
Plants that are underwatered will need to be immediately hydrated. For peace lilies that are overwatered, immediately stop watering and then don’t water again until the soil has a chance to dry out.
To help prevent improper watering in the future, water when the soil begins to feel dry or about once every week. Furthermore, you should only water the plant after you have inserted your finger about two inches into the soil and the soil feels dry. Using this simple preventable measure goes a long way to preventing overwatering.
Environment Is Too Dry
Peace lilies need humidity that is 75 percent or above. This is much higher than the average home’s humidity, which typically hovers around 40 percent. When the humidity level isn’t high enough for the plant, it creates a dry environment that can cause the leaves to fall off. Thankfully, you can easily correct this problem by increasing the humidity level in the area around the peace lily.
To increase the humidity, consider purchasing a humidifier or set the peace lily on a drip tray. You can also periodically mist the peace lily to increase the humidity level.
Too Much Direct Sunlight
Peace lilies do not do well when grown in direct sunlight, which is too harsh for the plant. When you place a peace lily in direct sun, it can burn and scorch its leaves, and cause them to fall off the plant. If you continue to allow the peace lily to grow in direct sun, its growth will slow and it could even kill the plant.
For the best growth possible, set the peace lily in an area where it will get 10 to 12 hours of indirect sun. You can also grow this plant under artificial lighting, though it will need a bit more light. When using artificial lights to grow peace lilies, aim to provide 16 to 18 hours for the best growth.
We at Plants To Trees first published this article on February 26, 2023. Copyright protected.
Temperature Is Too Hot Or Too Cold
Peace lilies require 68 to 85 degree temperature all throughout the year. Subjecting the plant to temperatures below or above this range can cause the leaves to fall off. Temperatures of 60 degrees or lower, as well as temperatures above 90 degrees, can all cause problems for the peace lily.
If you find you are growing the plant at the wrong temp, move the peace lily to an area that stays 68 to 85 degrees at all times.
Root rot is the most problematic disease that can cause peace lily leaves to fall off. This disease is often deadly and, since there is no cure for it, plants that are already infected are typically discarded. The good news is that root rot is completely preventable.
Root rot occurs if a plant is over watered, growing in compact soil, or a combination of the two. That means you can keep this disease at bay by providing it with proper water and keeping the plant growing in soil that is light, airy, and drains properly.
Leaves Fall Off Because Of A Natural Process
Sometimes, leaves falling off the peace lily isn’t something to be concerned with and is actually a natural process. Healthy peace lilies will have leaves that start to age and die. When this occurs, the leaves will naturally fall off the plant, which makes room for new leaves to emerge.
The article owner is Plants To Trees dot Com and this article was first published on February 26, 2023.
If your peace lily is dropping older leaves and there are no other symptoms associated with potential problems, then there is probably nothing to worry about. Simply clean up any leaves that fall off the plant and continue to provide the peace lily with its optimal care.
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PlantsToTrees.com is the owner of this article and we first published this on February 26, 2023.