Snake plants are popular tropical houseplants that thrive in climates with year round warm weather. They cannot tolerate cold weather and prefer to grow in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees. Even though the snake plant care guide does list the ideal growing requirements, the snake plant is not too picky and can tolerate a wide array of environmental conditions.

The snake plant care guide provides you with all the information you need to be successful in growing this stunning plant. You will learn that the snake plant needs bright indirect light, likes its soil to dry out between waterings, and doesn’t require much feeding.
Additionally, you will learn what diseases can affect it, how to propagate the snake plant, and even its toxicity level to humans and pets.
Other Names Of Snake Plant
The scientific name for the snake plant is Dracaena trifasciata, but most people do not refer to this plant by its scientific name. While snake plant is arguably the most common name for it, it is not the only moniker that this houseplant goes by.
The snake plant is also called “Saint George’s sword” and “mother-in-law’s tongue”. It got these names because of its leaves, which have sharp edges. It is also sometimes referred to as “viper’s bowstring hemp” because the fibers of this plant were used to make bowstrings.
Frost Tolerance And USDA Hardiness Zone Of Snake Plant

The frost tolerance and USDA hardiness zones for snake plants, or any plant for that matter, is extremely important information that you should know before you obtain the plant. This information will let you know whether or not the plant is tolerant to cold weather, as well as what regions it can safely grow outside.
Snake plants are not cold and frost tolerant and are only hardy in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12. For most people, the snake plant will have to be grown indoors as a houseplant. Although you can still take it outside during periods of warm temperatures in the summer months.
Snake plants do the best when they grow in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity levels of 40 percent or a little above.
How Many Hours Of Sunlight Does Snake Plant Need?
Snake plants are not too fussy when it comes to how much sunlight they can survive in. But that doesn’t mean you should stick the plant in a dark corner and forget about it. For the best results, you will want to ensure your plants get the optimal amount of light every day.
For the fastest growth rate, make sure the snake plant has at least 5 hours of light. This will allow the plant to produce the vital energy it needs to encourage healthy growth. The plant will experience slowed or stunted growth if it doesn’t get at least 5 hours of light every day.
Snake Plant Needs Direct Or Indirect Sunlight?

If you’re new to the whole houseplant scene, you may not be aware that there are different types of sunlight, and some plants do better in one over the other. Let’s take a look at what type of sunlight the snake plant needs.
Snake plants thrive in indirect, bright light. This will give you the best and healthiest growth rate. With that said, however, the snake plant can tolerate some shade and low light conditions, as well as a little direct sunlight.
Is Snake Plant An Indoor Plant, Outdoor Plant Or Both?
Snake plants are native to tropical Western Africa, and are typically grown indoors as a houseplant. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t grow this plant outside if you live in the right region.
Snake plants can grow both indoors as well as outdoors, as long as you live in USDA hardiness zones 10 to 12. If you live outside these zones, you will need to grow the snake plant as a houseplant. Snake plants make a wonderful indoor plant that can help improve air quality.
What Are The Indoor Lighting Requirements For a Snake Plant?

When deciding where to place your houseplant, you need to take into consideration the lighting requirements for that plant. This helps ensure the snake plant gets the correct amount of light for optimal growth.
Snake plants grown indoors need indirect bright light for at least 5 hours a day. This will provide the ideal growth rate. With that said, however, the snake plant can tolerate some low light conditions, though this will result in a slowed growth rate.
What Are The Outdoor Lighting Requirements For a Snake Plant?
If you live in USDA hardiness zones 10 to 12, you have the option to grow the snake plant outdoors. But what are the lighting requirements for growing this plant outside?
Select an outdoor site that receives dappled light or bright light that is filtered by tree leaves or shrubs. This will protect the snake plant from the direct rays of the sun, while still allowing the plant to have enough light to grow properly.
What Soil Requirements Does Snake Plant Need?

Not all soils work for all plants, and each species of plant has its own specific soil requirements that must be met in order to grow healthy and strong.
Snake plants are prone to root rot, so make sure to use soil that has extremely good drainage. A soil-less mixture is ideal since it will provide adequate drainage for the plant. Another option is to use catci or succulent potting soil since they typically have good drainage.
Remember to find a growing medium that not only has good drainage, but it is also light, airy, and rich in nutrients.
How Much Water Does a Snake Plant Need?
There is such a thing as too much water, and overwatering your snake plant will lead to serious problems that can be fatal to your plant. That is why it is important to know how much water this plant needs.
How much water the snake plant needs varies on several factors, but you should always allow the soil to dry out between waterings. This helps to prevent overwatering the plant. Make sure to check how moist the soil is before watering and then only water if the soil is completely dry.
In most cases, you will only need to water the snake plant once every week or so. But the temperature, time of year, humidity level, and size of the plant can all alter this time frame. In the winter, for example, the amount of water the plant needs will reduce and you can expect to water once every 2 to 4 weeks during this time.
Is My Snake Plant Overwatered, What Are The Symptoms?
Overwatering your snake plant should be avoided at all costs. Overwatering is the quickest ways to infect your plant with various fungal diseases, including root rot. And once your plant has rot, there is no saving it.
The first symptom that your snake plant has been overwatered is droopy leaves. The leaves will feel heavy, limp, and possibly even squishy, all of which will cause them to lose their ability to stay erect. These leaves may also start to discolor and the plant will experience stunted growth.
Excessive overwatering your snake plant is a hard problem to correct, and will often require destroying the infected plant. This is because, once rot sets in, you cannot save the plant. That is why it is vital to ensure you do not overwater this plant.
Is My Snake Plant Underwatered, What Are The Symptoms?

Underwatering may not be a serious as overwatering, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect your snake plant by not providing it with the proper hydration. Underwatering snake plants puts undo stress on the plant, while also leaving it susceptible to diseases and pests.
When your snake plant starts to develop browning at the tips and edges of the leaves, you know it has been underwatered. Other symptoms of an underwatered snake plant include brittle leaves that curl or wrinkle, yellowing on the lower leaves, and stunted growth.
The good news is that, in most cases, a snake plant will bounce back from underwatering once you start providing the plant with the right amount of hydration.
How Much Fertilizer Does Snake Plant Need? What Kind?
Not all houseplants are created equally, and some need more feeding than others. Let’s take a look at the snake plant and see how much, if any, fertilization it needs to thrive in your home.
Snake plants don’t require too much feeding, and you can actually overfeed and damage the plant. To avoid this from occurring, apply an all-purpose liquid fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, once in the spring and then again in the summer. Do not feed the snake plant more than twice a year.
Snake Plant Diseases To Be Aware Of

Even though snake plants are not prone to many diseases, the ones that can attack this houseplant are fairly serious. Thankfully, knowing what diseases this plant can have will help you prevent them from occurring in the first place.
We at Plants To Trees first published this article on November 6, 2022. Copyright protected.
The most common diseases that plague snake plants are root rot, red leaf sots, and southern blight. These three fungal diseases are serious and should be avoided at all costs. They are detrimental to the health of the snake plant.
Root rot is the most serious of the three, and can quickly kill your snake plant. The good news is that root rot is easily preventable by simply not overwatering the plant and ensuring the soil drains properly.
As the name would suggest, red leaf spot causes reddish or brown-colored spots to appear on the snake plant’s leaves. This condition occurs during periods of warm temperatures and high humidity levels.
Southern blight will result in leaf spots, as well as the foliage turning yellow and brown. This disease is most prevalent when it is hot and wet.
Are There Different Types Of Snake Plant?
Even though Dracaena trifasciata is the scientific name for the snake plant, it is also known under the synonym Sansevieria trifasciata. No matter which name you know this plant as, there are several different varieties available.
The article owner is Plants To Trees dot Com and this article was first published on November 6, 2022.
There are about 70 different types of snake plants available, and they vary in size, shape, and color. Sansevieria trifasciata “Twist”, for example, is a snake plant that has twisted leaves instead of the iconic straight foliage that the snake plant is known for.
How To Propagate Snake Plant

Snake plants are easily propagated via the leaf cutting method. For this, you will need a pair of sharp pruning shears, a glass vase or container, and water.
To propagate a snake plant, cut a healthy leaf near the base of the plant. Fill the glass container with water and then submerge about ¼ of the bottom portion of the leaf into the water. Set the cutting in an area where it will get indirect, bright light.
Replace the water whenever it starts to get cloudy. Roots will start to form several weeks later. When the roots reach 3 to 4 inches long, transplant the cutting into the same type of soil that the parent plant is growing in.
Is Snake Plant Toxic To Humans?
Whether or not a houseplant is toxic to humans is important information to have, especially if there are children in the home.
Snake plants are toxic to humans, and can cause nausea and vomiting if consumed in large doses. Additionally, the toxin has a numbing effect, which can cause the throat and tongue to swell up. This swelling can interfere with your ability to breathe properly.
Is Snake Plant Toxic To Dogs?
Many people are unaware just how dangerous some of the most common houseplants can be to their dogs. Because of the serious issues that can occur if ingested, it is important to learn what plants pose a risk to your pets.
Snake plants are toxic to dogs and can result in nausea, drooling, diarrhea, and vomiting if ingested. Depending on the amount that was consumed, your dog could also experience severe side effects, such as ruptured red blood cells.
If you suspect your dog has consumed any amount of snake plant, immediately contact their veterinarian or poison control.
Is Snake Plant Toxic To Cats?
Cats often find themselves getting into situations that could harm them, and nibbling on houseplants is one of them. There are several common plants grown indoors that can make your cats seriously ill.
Snake plants are toxic to cats. They contain saponins, which is a toxin that can cause drooling, nausea, and gastrointestinal distress if your cat consumes any part of the plant. Seek medical attention immediately if your cat has chewed or ingested any amount of the snake plant.
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