Fiddle leaf figs are a popular indoor houseplant grown for its large, impressive foliage. When the leaves begin to point up or down, it is a sure sign that something is wrong with the fiddle leaf fig.

Why your fiddle leaf fig leaves point up or down is caused by the plant not getting the proper care. This could be not enough sunlight or water, dry conditions, chemical burn caused by tap water, or shock caused by environmental or temperature changes.
The best way to keep your fiddle leaf fig leaves from pointing up or down is to ensure you are giving the plant its ideal growing conditions. This means warm temperatures throughout the entire year, bright sunlight, humidity levels of above 50%, regular feeding, and watering about once a week.
Why Does My Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Point Up?

Leaves that point upward are not a normal occurrence for fiddle leaf figs, and seeing your plant exhibit this symptom is a sure sign that your plant is experiencing issues that need to be addressed as soon as possible.
Needing more sunlight is the most common reason why fiddle leaf fig leaves would point up. Try rotating the plant so that the leaves that are pointing up are in the path of the sun. Alternatively, you can move the fiddle leaf fig closer to the window to see if that fixes the issue.
If moving the plant closer to the window doesn’t straighten out the leaves, then the problem could be caused by a number of other issues.
Temperatures Are Too High
Fiddle leaf figs need warm temperatures, but if the temperature is too hot, it can start to dry out the leaves and cause them to point up. To prevent this from occurring, make sure the fiddle leaf fig isn’t subjected to temperatures higher than 80 degrees. This may require lowering the temperature in the room the plant is currently growing in, or moving the fiddle leaf fig to another location. The ideal temperature for this plant is between 65 and 75 degrees, but it can tolerate temps as low as 60 and as high as 80 degrees.
Conditions Are Drier Than Normal
Dry conditions are another potential reason as to why your fiddle leaf fig leaves are pointing up. Dry conditions are usually caused by not enough moisture in the air, temperatures being too hot, not watering the plant enough, or a combination of all three.
The Plant Is Infected With A Disease
Leaf curl disease is a common disease that can infect houseplants, such as fiddle leaf fig. This disease is prevalent when conditions are warm and moist. The pathogen that causes this disease can be lurking in your fiddle leaf fig’s soil without you knowing it. It doesn’t infect the plant, however, until water splashes the soil onto the leaves.
Thankfully, you can prevent this disease from occurring by watering the plant at the base and not from above.
The article owner is Plants To Trees dot Com and this article was first published on March 3, 2023.
Why Does My Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves Point Down?

Despite being a fairly easy plant to care for, the fiddle leaf fig can experience problems if its basic needs are not met. For example, neglecting the plant’s growing requirements can cause foliage distortion, such as the leaves pointing down.
When your fiddle leaf fig leaves are pointing down, it is a sign that you are not properly caring for the plant. Incorrect temperature and watering, as well as subjecting the plant to low light conditions are some of the most common culprits for leaf curling.
The best way to prevent your plant’s leaves from curling is to ensure the fiddle leaf fig gets its ideal growing condition.
Temperature Is Too Cold
Temperatures that are too hot can cause problems, so it’s only natural that temps that are too cold will also damage the plant. When you expose the plant to temperatures that are lower than 60 degrees, you run the risk of putting the plant into shock, which has a negative impact on the fiddle leaf fig’s overall health and can even cause the plant’s leaves to point down.
The good news is that you can easily correct this issue by simply ensuring the plant isn’t exposed to temperatures that are too low for this plant.
Overwatering The Plant
Too much watering can cause a slew of problems, including leaves that begin to point or curl downward. While this symptom is bad enough, overwatering can lead to even worse problems, including root rot. The good news is that overwatering is 100 percent preventable. However, there is no hard and fast rule as to how much water or how often you need to water the fiddle leaf fig. This is because environmental conditions, as well as the age and size of the plant, all determine how much water the fiddle leaf fig needs.
With that said, however, the plant will typically need watered about once a week during the spring and summer months. In the fall and winter, how often you water the plant is typically reduced to once every 10 to 14 days.
Keeping The Plant In The Dark
Fiddle leaf figs are sun-loving plants that need an abundance of light. Subjecting the plant to low light conditions can quickly cause the leaves to curl downward. For the best growth, make sure the fiddle leaf fig gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight during the morning or afternoon hours. If you’re unable to provide natural light, consider using artificial lighting, such as LED lights.
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Fiddle Leaf Fig Stem Turning Brown? (How To Fix/Prevent) is the owner of this article and we first published this on March 3, 2023.