Hoya Plant Leaves Drying Out – How To Fix/Prevent

Hoya Plant Leaves Drying Out

The best way to prevent a Hoya plant’s leaves from drying out is to ensure it receives its ideal growing conditions. This means not subjecting it to conditions that are too dry or too hot. Instead, provide the Hoya with regular watering, high humidity levels, warm temps, and indirect light.

Hoya Plant Leaves Curling – How To Fix/Prevent

Hanging pot with Hoya Plant

Hoya plant leaves curling is a sign that there is an issue with your houseplant. In most cases, it is because the Hoya isn’t receiving enough water or is being subjected to extremely dry conditions. Thankfully, these are relatively simple issues to fix.

Peace Lily Leaves Falling Off – How To Fix/Prevent

Potting a Peace Lily Plant

The most common reasons why your peace lily leaves are falling off are improper watering, dry environment, direct sunlight, incorrect temperature, and diseases. All of these issues are fairly easy to prevent by simply giving the peace lily its ideal growing conditions.